Jean Robertson Scholarship Fund

The Jean Robertson Women Lawyers Scholarship Foundation provides an annual scholarship award of $2500.00 to a woman attending law school in New Jersey who best exemplifies the goals and ideas of the late Jean Robertson.

In Jean’s memory, the Jean Robertson Women Lawyers Scholarship was formed to raise money to assist female students attending New Jersey law schools. The scholarship is awarded to students who embody the ideals and values that Jean held and taught by example. The funds for the scholarship are made up entirely of voluntary contributions by members of the bar and others committed to honoring the work of Jean Robertson.

The Jean Robertson Women Lawyers Scholarship Applications have been forwarded to the New Jersey Law Schools for submission from candidates.

In 2023, the Jean Robertson Women Lawyers Scholarship was awarded to Lori Meek, a third-year student at Seton Hall School of Law. Ms. Meek received the award at the WLIB Annual Dinner on September 13, 2023. WLIB congratulates Lori on her achievement!

Consider donating to the Jean Robertson Women Lawyers Scholarship.