SWAG meeting via Zoom
In SWAG Meeting
SWAG meeting via Zoom2024-03-112023-12-30https://womenlawyersinbergen.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/wlib-logo-2024.pngWomen Lawyers In Bergen Countyhttps://womenlawyersinbergen.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/technology-human-touch.jpg200px200px
Date(s) - 03/11/2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Kelly Caster, Esq. will lead a discussion on AI.
Linda F. Spiegel
Linda graduated from Boston University School of Law. She has worked for a legal publishing company in their tax publications department, she was an associate for a for a law firm in Newark and another firm in Wood Ridge where she became a partner. She subsequently opened her own firm in Hackensack where she continues to practice today.
Linda has mediated and arbitrated over 1000 cases in construction, consumer, commercial, contract and family law. She is an arbitrator and mediator for the AAA, a FINRA arbitrator, a NJ Court Approved R.1:40 mediator and arbitrator, an Elder Care Planning and divorce mediator. Her article entitled "Elder Care Planning Mediation" was published in the ABA's "Voice of Experience," January 2023, and
reprinted in "GPSolo eReport," Vol. 12, No. 10, May 2023. She is the Co-Vice Chair of the ABA Senior Lawyers Division ADR Committee, serves on the board of the NJ Association of Professional Mediators and the Executive Committee of the Justice Marie L. Garibaldi Inn of Court for ADR.