SWAG Meeting via Zoom. Time Management and Productivity – Best Practices

 In SWAG Meeting
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Date(s) - 05/09/2022
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


Time Management and Productivity – Best Practices

Carmela Novi, Esq., a partner with the Weinberger Divorce and Family Law Group will be presenting on the topic of Time Management and Productivity – Best Practices.

Carmela, who was admitted to practice in 1996 and is a Certified Matrimonial Attorney, manages the firm’s Hackensack and Bedminster, NJ offices, as well as her own full case load of family law clients. As with so many attorneys, she must manage the varied professional demands (hiring, recruiting and mentoring of firm staff; the practice of law; networking; ensuring business performance) with the personal demands of being a wife, mother, and community volunteer. Carmela’s presentation will focus on how to make the most of your time in order to ensure that you are leveraging your resources and able to provide necessary time and attention to your priorities, whether they are professional, personal, or a combination of both.


To register, please email Linda F. Spiegel, Esq. at [email protected]

SWAG meets on the second Monday of each month from 12:30-2pm.Currently meeting via Zoom. Email Linda Spiegel,Esq. at [email protected] to be added to email list for future meetings or to obtain the Zoom invitation for an upcoming meeting.