Military Divorce 101: Considerations in Representing a Party in a Military Divorce A military divorce differs from a nonmilitary divorce in several key ways due to the unique circumstances [...]
Navigating the 2024 Amendments to New Jersey’s Open Public Record Act: Key Changes and Implications for Access and Compliance By Walter M. Luers, Esq. & Christina N. Stripp, Esq. On [...]
For your information, helpful websites: the New Jersey Legislature’s site; enables you to find bills by subject and track where any proposed bill is in the process. [...]
Busy lawyers focused on any area of practice may feel the pull to take research shortcuts by tapping into a collective brain trust via posts on a listserv of experienced practitioners. Listserv [...]
Whether you have written your resume 6 months ago or 5 years ago, it is always a good idea to periodically review your resume. As a legal recruiter, I meet many excellent attorneys who [...]
You are harried as you are trying to head out the door for a special night. You have helped the kids with homework, made their dinner, secured a babysitter and gotten dressed. But have you [...]
We are used to seeing K-9 officers assist human handlers on drug busts. We do not bat an eye at seeing a dog help its visually impaired owner cross the street. Now, with the New Jersey Supreme [...]
Artificial intelligence is technology that replicates human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. In the last year, the availability of AI products has significantly increased [...]
Beware of the Robot Revoluton: The Pessimistic Attorney’s Guide to Avoiding AI and Embracing Human Error and Inefficiency In the ever-changing landscape of the legal profession, it is important [...]